and finding the motivation & balance to get me there

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Motivation, Inspiration and Life Coaching

For me, finding motivation can be as simple as a bunch of flowers

I'm thinking about how to get more focused, find some motivation and inspiration in all aspects of life ... life coaching may help perhaps?  I'm struggling at the moment with understanding how I got to this point in my life where I feel like I have completely spiralled out of control on all fronts including my health, mental health and fitness. Winter is setting in (hate winter) which is depressing the life out of me (!) and I'm so home sick it's truly ridiculous (to the point of wishing my life away - how I got to this point, I really don't know), I've lost the battle of the bulge (again) and really, really need to find my focus and motivation again. I know what I need to do to lose the weight, but finding the motivation is a huge problem at the moment.

So I'm on the look out for inspiration...

Found this blog this morning....

Living Savvy Life Coaching Blog

**Looking for some more life coaching / motivation links to add to this list.

Also, I know I need to include a few simple things in my life that I seem to have let slip or forgotten about lately. Things that make me happy. Things like just having a fresh bunch of flowers in my home, only buying fresh, whole and organic (when possible) foods. Use that Farmers Market each Thursday in my local area and buy fresh foods and remember they have flowers there too (very affordable ones).

Maybe the key to getting motivated and back on track again is using this one little word 'simple'... start simple - use it as a mantra - simple, simple, simple...

Simple things to remember - get moving in the morning - exercise first thing before you can put it off. See this video on Sarah Wilson's blog about ''The Fuzz'' - very MOTIVATIONAL!

The thing to remember is the other word that goes with 'simple' and that word is 'discipline'.  That word seems to have slipped out of my vocabulary and I need to get it back again. Be disciplined in these simple things like making the beds in the morning - again thank you to Sarah Wilson's blog for this post on The Secret to Happiness - Make your bed, everyday! Simple and it works - if you stick to it.

Ok, so I have a small list of things on the go to help with the motivation already... read up on life coaching, practise your 'simple' method ie, get moving first thing in the morning - do the exercise and stretching before you find an excuse to put it off, buy a bunch of fresh flowers and buy fresh, whole foods....and make your bed!!

Now, go and do some stretching to get rid of the Fuzz...
